Outstanding scientists

An outstanding Ukrainian scientist.
First Minister of Transport of Ukraine.
He built about 70,000 km of new roads.
Founder of the full cycle of road construction
Mykola Shulgin was born December 19, 1915 in a large family in St. Petersburg, and in 1917 his family moved to Donetsk. After graduating from the Stalin Construction Technical School, he rose rapidly by the career ladder. From 1931 to 1934 he worked as a digger, armature worker, foreman, technician, and senior technician in construction departments of Donbass and Zaporizhzhia.
In 1934 he became a senior foreman of the Ivanovo Machinery and Tractor Station (MTS) in the Saratov region of the RSFSR. After that, from 1934 to 1940 he worked as a designer, senior designer of the research sector and design bureau of the Industrial Institute, head of the group for designing and reconstruction of mines of the designing office of “Donbasvuhillia” Coal Trust, deputy head of the construction department of “Donbasvuhleproekt” designing office.
During these years he completed three courses of Mining Faculty of Stalin Mining Institute, after that he studied at Moscow Institute of Civil Engineers on the Industrial and Civil Engineering Faculty. And already in 1939 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineers.
From 1940 to 1943 he fought in WWII, having passed the whole war as a sergeant. In the ranks of the Red Army he served as a clerk, senior reconnaissance observer of the artillery control battery, head of the calculation team of the headquarter of 100th howitzer artillery Sevsky Brigade on the North-Western, Central, Belarusian, and 1st Belarusian fronts of war.
In 1943 he joined the CPSU (b) and in 1945 was appointed chief engineer of “Oblkomunproekt” designing office of Stalin region. From 1950 till 1953 he was deputy chairman of the Executive Committee of Stalin City Council of Workers' Deputies. In 1953 he worked on the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of Stalin City Council of Workers' Deputies of Stalin Region, and 6 years later, in 1959 he was raised to 2nd Secretary of Stalin City Committee of the CPU of Stalin Region. One year later, in 1960, he became deputy chairman of the Executive Committee of Stalin Regional Council of Workers' Deputies.
In 1960-1968 he was the First Secretary of Donetsk City Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. During these years, M. Shulgin was engaged in landscaping of the city. His idea and practical implementation was the creation of "Donetskproekt" - a scientific research institute that focused on urban development planning.
After establishment of Ministry of Construction and Operation of Roads in November 1968 and until April 29, 1987 he worked on the position of Minister of Construction and Operation of Roads of USSR. During his period of work as the Minister, a major improvement of the infrastructure of Ukraine was carried out, namely:
- The main road network of Ukraine was formed;
- Approaches to district centers and railway stations were built;
- Approaches to collective and state farms were built;
- Highways were reconstructed and wooden bridges were reconstructed;
- The branch of mechanical engineering and the industry of road-building materials, structures and products have been developed;
- A number of social infrastructure facilities have been created;
- A number of qualified personnel have been trained.
Generally during the period of M. Shulgin activity 68,138 km of roads were put into operation.
Also Mykola Shulgin paid great attention to the development of branch science. Thanks to his initiative the preparation work started for creation of a special road research institute, for separation it from the State Road Scientific Research Institute (DerzhavtoshliakhNDI) which was quite complicated at that time. And thanks to his active cooperation and assistance the State Road Research Institute (DerzhsliakhNDI) of the Ministry of Road Construction of the USSR was established in 1970, which is called State Road Research Institute (DerzhdorNDI) now.
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Mykola Shulgin was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Great Patriotic War of 1st and 2nd degrees, the Order of Red Banner of Labor, and medals. He was also awarded the title of State Prize Laureate of the Ukrainian SSR in the area of science and technology for the creation and implementation of machines for asphalt pavements recovery - thermal profilers machines.
Mykola Shulgin passed away October 9, 1995.

An outstanding bridge builder of the road industry, who founded and implemented a modern system for bridges condition monitoring, which still operates successfully today.
He has trained thousands of young bridge specialists.
A real legend of bridge science.
Petro Koval was born May 1, 1955 in Volyn Region, PhD, Member of the Academy of Civil Engineering of Ukraine, Associate Member of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, a specialist in technical diagnostics of transport facilities, author of more than 400 scientific papers, 29 inventions and patents. 10 PhD theses were defended under his supervision.
Petro Koval's professional growth was connected with Lviv National Polytechnic University (“Lvivska Politechnika”). After graduating with honors from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in 1977 (at that time Lviv Polytechnic Institute) he started his career as a senior engineer of Lutsk district road section in 1981. He graduated from “Building Structures” Department of the same institute and worked at “Lvivska Politechnika” National University as engineer, researcher, head of research laboratory, associate professor, deputy head of the department. In 1988 he defended his PhD thesis.
From 2002 Petro Koval was a Director of M. Shulgin State Road Research Institute, the main research institution of Ukraine in the area of construction, repairing and maintenance of roads and transport facilities, which is part of the Management of State Road Service of Ukraine. “DerzhdorNDI” SE is also a basic organization for scientific and technical activities in the area of construction, building materials industry, architecture and urban planning of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction of Ukraine, leading organization in creating of a national database of regulatory, technical, instructional and legal documents of state level and industry level. Under the leadership of Petro Koval, the institute has developed into a modern research complex, which includes 18 scientific departments: specialized departments with testing laboratories, the main testing center, a certification body for road construction materials and road machinery.
Under his leadership, a methodology of road bridges research by a highly informative method of acoustic emission with use of software and hardware for processing and locating signals "AKEM" and "AKIIM" was developed. On the basis of this method a high-precision diagnostics of constructions is carried out and the most effective measures for prevention of emergency situations, carrying out of reconstructions and bridges repairing are planned. Thanks to his active work, it was possible to create the “Analytical Expert System of Bridge Management” (AESUM), which is installed in all regional road services of Ukraine.
This and other researching developments of Petro Koval are described in monographs: “Methods of research and testing of construction materials and structures”, “Acoustic emission during destruction of materials, products and structures”, "Bridges: structures and reliability", in co-authorship with other outstanding scientists.
During the period of 2002 – 2009, the international scientific relations of the institute with related professional institutions of European Community were significantly expanded. In 2007, thanks to his requests, “DerzhdorNDI” SE had been accepted as a member of the Forum of European State Road Research Laboratories (RENVI), participated in researches in the frameworks of international projects.
Petro Koval was the Chairman of Editorial Board of the professional collection of scientific papers “Dorogi I Mosti” (“Roads and Bridges”).
He passed away May 5, 2020 in Kyiv.

Author of numerous fundamental and applied scientific works.
He is a brilliant designer and an outstanding scientist in the field of mechanics of road construction materials and road pavement structures.
Born May 26, 1938 in Kyiv in the family of a civil engineer. He graduated with distinction from school and in 1955 entered the evening department of Kyiv Automobile and Road Institute (CADI) (now National Transport University). In the second year he was switched to the daytime form of education of the road-building faculty and graduated from the Institute in 1961 and received a diploma in "Traffic Engineer". He started his first scientific research in his student years.
After graduating from KADI, he worked as an engineer of Road-Building trust №1 (Kyiv), where he was engaged in the design and construction of reinforced concrete bridges for subway and highway across the Dnipro river in Kyiv. In 1966, he defended his Candidate's thesis on the subject: “The stress of non-rigid road pavements with intermediate layers of weakly bonded granular materials.” Candidate's thesis was devoted to the study of the stress state and deformations of layers of road structures in the conditions of intermediate granular layers.
From 1966 to 1986 Borys Radovskyi worked in our Institute. Since 1971, he headed the Laboratory of Road Construction and Road Pavement Calculation, and in 1972, he received the scientific title of Senior Researcher. During his work in the SE “DerzhdorNDI” B. Radovskyi was engaged in the construction of the ring stand, which is one of the best for research of road pavements in conditions close to natural. Later, B. Radovskyi headed the Institute research for the development of methodology for testing road pavement structures, which became the basis for upgrading the ring stand. It is an interesting fact that after visiting the institute and inspecting the ring stand, road workers from France developed at their institute (Nantes) a similar research area, which is still successfully operating.
During the years of work in SE “DerzhdorNDI” under the leadership of B. Radovskyi scientific research was carried out to study the stress and displacements arising under the action of dynamic loading; to analyze the effect of repeated loading on the fatigue of the materials of the road surface layers; experimental data were obtained on the stress-strain state of the road surface under the action of various vehicles. All these studies have become the basis for practical recommendations aimed at improving the methods of road pavement design and calculation and are executed in the form of normative and technical documents (Instructions, recommendations, methods, etc.). All these years of research by B. Radovskyi became the basis for his doctoral thesis and the theme "Theoretical foundations of design and calculation of road pavememnt on the impact of the dynamic loads", which he defended in 1983 at the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute.
From 1986 to 1995 B. Radovskyi worked as a professor at the Department of Road-Building Materials and Chemistry of the National Transport University and continued to be engaged in research work and implementation of scientific results in practice.
B. Radovskyi trained 12 candidates of sciences and 2 doctors of sciences. Among them there is an employee of our Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences - S. Holovko, who is a leading researcher of the Department of Regulatory and Technological Support of Road Works.
Since 1996, he has lived and worked in the U.S. and continues to be intensively engaged in scientific activities - working with universities, design and manufacturing organizations. In addition, he actively writes articles in scientific publications, including our collection of scientific papers "Dorogi i Mosti" (Roads and Bridges).

Honored Builder of Ukraine.
1st Deputy Minister of Construction and Operation of Highways of Ukraine.
People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 1st convocation.
Outstanding personality for all Ukrainian road builders, who always supported the development of infrastructure of Ukraine.
Born on 07.06.1937 in the village Tatsynsky, Tatsynsky district, Rostov region, in a family of peasants. He graduated from Kharkiv Automobile and Road Institute, specializing in "Engineers of railways".
Since 1960 he worked on engineering and technical positions in road facilities of the 4th Road Administration of the Ministry of Motor roads in Donbass, and since 1963 - Chief Engineer of Donetsk Regional Road Administration. Since 1972 to 1994 he held positions ranging from the Head of the Department of a Senior Management Administration for Road Building to the First Deputy Minister of Construction and Operation of Motor Roads of Ukraine, Vice President of the State Concern «Ukrshlyakhbud» and Director of the Department of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine. In March 1990 he was elected to be the People's Deputy of Ukraine.
In 1994 he was appointed as a Director of our Institute, and since 2001 he has been an advisor to the State Research Institute. During his work at the Institute he was a member of the Verkhovna Rada Commission on Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services.
Being engaged in scientific work, he defended his thesis and received the title of Candidate of Technical Sciences, elected as an Academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, was engaged in the lecturing work at the University.
Rybalchenko A.A. is the initiator and co-author of legislative acts related to the work of the commission, in particular, the law on sources of funding for road facilities, rules for the use and protection of roads. He formed the policy and strategy of road economy development during the period of creation of the main road network of Ukraine.
In 1992, on behalf of the Ukrainian side, he signed an Agreement on creation of the Interstate Council of Road Builders of the CIS countries and took an active part in its work. He provided assistance in the activities of the Charity Fund of Road Builders of Ukraine.
Now he is retired.

Founder of the production and use of bituminous emulsions in road construction.
Developer of new types of binders.
A person thanks to whom the quality and quantity of produced bitumen in Ukraine was increased.
Born on February 29 in Kaniv, Cherkassy region. In 1941 he joined the army, took part in battles in the eighty-third separate naval brigade, was wounded.
In 1950, he graduated from the Road Construction Faculty of Kyiv Automobile and Road Institute (now National Transport University).
After graduation, he was sent to work at our Institute, where he made his way from Senior Laboratory Assistant to the Director of the institute. He managed our company from 1968 to 1986.
In 1964, he defended his PhD thesis and received the title of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty "Construction Materials".
He is the author of about 50 scientific publications and 11 scientific inventions.
S.V. Ehorov is the founder of the branch on manufacture and use of bitumen emulsions in road construction. His scientific activity was aimed at improving the properties of traditional organic binders (bitumen, tar) and the creation of new types of binders, the development of new resource-saving and environmental technologies. He was awarded the diplomas and medals for the development of recipes and technology for the production of bituminous emulsions by chemical emulsification using carboxylic amines, as well as for the introduction of bituminous emulsions and surfactants in the construction and repair of roads.
He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1971);
Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945";
Medal "50 Years of the USSR Armed Forces" (1969).
Medal “Veteran of Labour” (1979).
Order of the "Patriotic War" of the First Degree (1985).
Notes and Memoirs by Radovskyi B.S. about Ehorov S.V.: "Serhii Viktorovych was a smart and educated man and had a wonderful memory. I have reason to believe that if the staff of the Institute were to arrange a control dictation on the Russian language, he would have made the least number of mistakes, although he graduated from an ordinary secondary school. Serhii Viktorovych was well versed in people and was very friendly to them, was able to manage the team, sometimes quite tough, and at the same time he remained modest and decent. He was a big fan of hunting and fishing. Serhii Viktorovych considered his tasks associated with the position of Director to be: to recruit enough good employees, to help them get the topic, useful and interesting from the scientific point of view and not to interfere with their work ". (Source: 1926-2006 "M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute - 80 years old". К. 2006. С.59-61)
Died in 1988.

Scientist of Ukraine and the Institute.
Chief developer of the State Construction Norms for the design and construction of roads.
Founder of the international activity of “DerzhdorNDI” SE.
Valerii Vyrozhemskyi was born on April 28, 1955 in Kyiv.
In 1977 he graduated from the Kyiv Automobile and Road Institute (now the National Transport University), by specialty “Motor Roads”.
From 1977 to 1983, he worked at SoyuzdorNDI. In December 1983, he started his postgraduate studies at SoyuzdorNDI, where he remained working as an engineer for a short time. In 1988, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “The use of coal waste in the construction of road subgrade” and received the title of Candidate of Technical Sciences. The results of the dissertation on the use of coal industry waste were implemented in Luhansk and Donetsk regions in the construction of road subgrade and streets of settlements.
From 1987 until January 31, 2025 (at all 45 years), he worked at our Institute, where he rose from a senior researcher to the First Deputy Director.
Under his leadership and with his direct participation, a number of regulatory documents important for the road sector were developed, including such as DBN B.2.3-4: 2015 "Highways. Part I. Design. Part II. Construction“ and DBN V.2.3-5:2018 ”Streets and Roads of Settlements", which were once under the control of the Prime Minister of Ukraine.
He was the author of more than 200 publications, including those included in the scientometric databases Scopus, Web of Science Core Collections. He has 12 copyright certificates (for example, the invention of a device for determination of soil moisture in the field, the invention of the “Road Embankment”, which simplifies the technology of the embankment arrangement and increases its stability).
In 2001 Vyrozhemsky V.K. received the title of Senior Researcher.
He was responsible for the creation and organization of “DerzhdorNDI” SE Certification body for the Conformity which has been operating successfully since 2007. Since that time he is its constant leader.
Under his direct leadership, a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of DSTU ISO 9001-2001 had been created at the Institute, the status of basic organization for scientific and technical activities in the area of construction, building materials industry, architecture and urban planning has bee granted.
He was a member of a number of Scientific and Technical Councils established under various central executive bodies.
He was the Chairman of the Technical Committee for Standardization of TC 307 “Roads and Transport Facilities”.
At his initiative, our institute was accepted as a full member of the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL) in November 2007.
Valerii Vyrozhemskyi was a Coordinator of the first international project for Ukraine under the auspices of the 7th Framework Program of the European Commission - INCRIS - "Improving International Cooperation and R&D Road Infrastructure Strategy for Ukraine".
For the first time, the Ukrainian research institution led an international consortium of representatives from Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Israel, Belgium and Ukraine. Participation in this international project contributed to the entry of Ukraine as a whole and the DerzhdorNDI SE in particular into the European Research Area.
Valerii directly participated in more than 10 international projects, including: under “HORIZON 2020” European Commission Program: “USE-IT” - Safety, reliability and energy efficiency of transport infrastructure, taking into account the needs of users; “FOX” - Forever open infrastructure for all kinds of transport; “SENSKIN” - Monitoring of transport infrastructure on the basis of "sensitive skin" and the CEDR program (Commission of European Directors of Roads), “MicroProof” project - Assessment of micro-pollutants and microplastics in roadside effluents.
Since February, 1, 2025 rest in peace.
• Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2003).
• Diplomas of Ukravtodor (2005, 2006 and 2015).
• Gratitude of Solomianska District State Administration in Kyiv (2007).
• “Badge of Honor of Ukravtodor” Industry award (2014)

Living legend of road science.
Veteran of the Great Patriotic War.
Developer of binders from non-traditional materials.
Vasyl Volodko was born on October 22, 1924.
During the Great Patriotic War in 1943, he was sent to Nazi Germany for forced labor in the Saar mines, and then was placed in the Dachau concentration camp. In 1945 he was released and sent home. 7 years later he graduated from Lviv Polytechnic Institute. After the war he worked as the head of the production and technical department, chief engineer.
In 1959 he graduated from the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, worked in the Kazakh branch of “SoyuzdorNDI”.
In 1964 he defended his dissertation and obtained PhD degree.
The results of his dissertation had practical application in the construction of roads in virgin land areas.
Under the leadership of Vasyl Volodko not only works on arrangement of subgrade and road pavement, but also works on construction of small bridges and pipes, as well as construction of industrial premises and accommodation were performed.
Already having the PhD degree and the academic title of Associate Professor, in 1968 he passed the competition and was joined the staff of our Institute, where he worked till 1999 as a senior researcher, head of laboratory, head of department of road construction using industrial wastes, leading researcher.
Under the leadership of Vasyl Volodko the department team developed a technology of use of ashes and slags from heat power plants in the construction, repairing and maintenance of roads, as well as the technology of preparing and use of tar binders, which were obtained by modifying coal tar, polyvinyl chloride production and polystyrene wastes. On the basis of these scientific researches the normative documents which have given the chance to implement developments in production have been developed.
Vasyl Volodko is one of the authors of the scientific development and implementation of new binders from non-traditional materials: raw coal tars, improved polymeric materials, paving tars and coke production wastes. The use of alternative binders was very important during the acute deficiency of paving bitumen in Ukraine. The results of scientific researches in this area have become methods of processing coke wastes into binders (СТУ, СТК, СТД, tar-polymer binders), which are widely used in road construction till now. Every year, 100-200 thousand tons of tar-polymer binders and the same volumes of tars from coke production wastes have significantly contributed to the growth of road construction.
According to the results of multidimensional developments under the leadership of Vasyl Volodko The Ministry of Road Construction of the Ukrainian SSR has made an unprecedented decision to build facilities for oxidation of tar to bitumen in compressor and non-compressor-type plants: several plants have been built in each region, some of which are still operating now.
Vasyl Volodko has more than 15 inventions, about 30 scientific works, including his own book "Use of polymer production wastes in road construction" (1967).
The work of the department under the leadership of Vasyl Volodko repeatedly awarded at that time by diplomas and medals of the Exhibitions of Economic Achievements.

Honored Builder of Ukraine.
Mentor of modern road scientists.
Patriot of the road industry
Vasyl Nahaichuk was born on February 10, 1960 in the village of Tetevchytsi, Radekhiv district, Lviv region.
In 1975 he graduated with honors and entered the Lviv Automobile and Road Technical School on the road construction department. After graduating from the technical school in 1979, he began his career as a master at the Lyubeshiv District Road Administration in Volyn.
In the same year he entered the Kyiv Automobile Road Institute (now the National Transport University) on the “Roads” faculty, which he successfully graduated from in 1984 and started his work in our Institute. In 1993 he defended his dissertation with a thesis on "Slag alkaline concrete for the construction of non-rigid pavements."
In the institute he went a working path from an engineer to the director of the Institute.
In 2002, after a competition and transfer, he was hired by Ukravtodor as Deputy Head of the Science and Technology Policy Department.
In January 2004, he was transferred to the position of director of “Ukrdortechnologiya” - Ukrainian state production and technological enterprise, where he worked till November 2009.
In November 2009, he was transferred to the position of director of “DerzhdorNDI” SE , where he worked till November 2017. With his support and participation, new directions of the institute's activity were initiated in the institute, in particular the issue of normative and estimate support of road works, the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 307 “Roads and Transport Facilities” was established, which is now actively functioning, granted the status of a basic organization for scientific and technical activities in the area of construction, construction materials industry, architecture and urban planning.
Thanks to the correct personnel policy, which he pursued as the director of the Institute, he created a strong team of young scientists that capable to solve the problems of the road industry at a high professional level.
Actually, he is working as a chief researcher in our Institute. The main activity is the organization of scientific and technical support of big scale construction projects and the introduction of new modern materials and technologies in road construction.
He developed a system for use of local materials in road facilities (granites, limestones, sandstones and others). With his direct participation, the cadaster of local materials location all over Ukraine was developed.
With his participation, a number of regulatory and technical documents related to the design and performance of road works have been developed.
Since 2004 he taught at the National Transport University by the subjects “Modern technologies of operational maintenance” and “Ecology of the life cycle of roads” has trained about three thousand specialists.
In 2011 he obtained the title of Associate Professor of the Construction and Operation of Roads Department of NTU.
He is one of the authors of DBN B 2.3-4 "ROADS Part I. Design Part II. Construction" and DBN B.2.3.-5: 2018 "Streets and roads of settlements" and a number of regulations on the arrangement of wear protective layers of road pavements.
He has published 45 scientific articles in various areas, namely: ecology, economics, construction, pricing, industry reform. And now new articles are published in scientific journals, which are included in various scientometric databases.
He is a member of the editorial boards of a number of scientific professional publications.
Full member and member of the presidium of the Transport Academy of Ukraine.
He has received a number of awards and commendations from the Head of Ukravtodor, Ministers of Infrastructure (Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine), Solomianka District State Administration in Kyiv;
He was awarded the "Honorary Road Worker" and "Honored Builder of Ukraine" awards.

Developer of emulsifier "Desetam" and adhesive additive "UDOM-1" and "UDOM-2".
Introduced the technology of obtaining a cationic-type surfactant.
He was born in 1936 in the Poltava region. In 1961 he graduated from the Faculty of Road Construction of the Kyiv Automobile and Road Institute. After graduation he worked at the design institute as an engineer.
From 1962 he worked at our institute as an Engineer, Junior Researcher, Researcher and Head of Department. In 1967 he defended his thesis and received the title of PhD.
From 1969 to 1997 he was the Head of the Department of Organic Binders. The scientific activity of the department under his leadership was aimed at improving the properties of traditional organic binders (bitumen, tar) and the development of new types of binders.
Under his leadership, the institute developed and implemented a fundamentally new technology for producing bitumen emulsions by chemical emulsification. A new method of emulsification is a special kind of processes of self (spontaneous) emulsification, associated with the chemical reactions at the interface of bitumen - an aqueous solution of alkali or acid. A distinctive feature of this technology is the formation of an emulsifier in situ (in the system itself), which allowed by such chemical reaction of small formation, grinding bitumen into drops of about 1 μm. In order to make full use of the chemical activity of the reaction, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for its occurrence.
It is these conditions Kuchma M.I. was able to develop by specially designed and very simple device, which was introduced into further production. In almost all regions of Ukraine there were installations for the production of bitumen emulsions which were used to perform various types of work in the construction and repair of road pavement. In terms of their use, Ukrainian road workers occupied leading positions in the former Soviet Union. To implement the method of chemical emulsification of bitumen, special cationic emulsifiers, which were synthesized in the department and called carboxylamines were required. Carboxylamines could also be used as effective adhesive additives to improve the adhesion of bitumen to stone material.
Scientific development, which is directly involved Kuchma M.I. became a technology for the production of surfactants of the cationic type, which at one time significantly affected the technical progress in the road sector, and later received a new impetus in the development and production of domestic emulsifier “Desetam” and adhesive additive UDOM-1 and UDOM-2, the release of which allowed abandoning much more expensive imported.

Shtilman Yefim Yosypovych
The first Head of the Department of Artificial Structures of our Institute.
He developed and implemented the new structures and methods of construction and repair of bridges.
He was born in Kyiv in 1913.
There is not much information about his life, but it is known that before the Great Patriotic War he graduated from the Kyiv Civil Engineering Institute, and after his graduation he worked as an Engineer in the bridge industry.
In 1941 he was drafted into the army of the Soviet Union, namely to the 90th separate machine-building battalion. During the Great Patriotic War he was awarded many orders and medals: "Patriotic War", The "Red Star", "Meritorious Service Award", "For Victory over Germany", "For Winning Koenigsberg". He was wounded in the battle. In 1945 he was demobilized.
In 1950 Yefim Shtilman defended his dissertation on the topic "The use of light algomineral alloys in road structures", and since 1953 he has headed the Department of Artificial Structures of our Institute.
The first scientific developments under his leadership were related to increasing the service life of wooden bridges. Structural measures have been developed to protect wooden bridges from wear and rot. In addition, the construction of bridges with flooded approaches was investigated. Such solutions allowed saving significant capital investments.
In 1950, the studies of small span bridges and stone arches began. During this period, the developments on the application of local materials under the direction of Yefim Shtilman began, dealing with: limestone solutions, ground blast furnace slag, and ceramics. In the period of 1950-1955, the designs of small bridges with metal and reinforced concrete spans were developed and implemented. Since 1958, the work has begun on the creation of string concrete span structures, both ribbed and of slabs. After 2 years, the mass production of these structures began on the stands of the landfill in the village of Chapaiivka.
A considerable amount of scientific research under the leadership of Yefim Shtilman was aimed at studying the operation of composite beams with cast joints. Yefim Shtilman actively studied new types of waterproofing of the bridge deck, the protection of reinforcement from corrosion. It was during this period that all the preconditions for the deployment of mass industrial production of bridge structures were created.
In 1955 he received the title of Senior Researcher.
He is the author of 156 scientific articles and 10 scientific books.

His accomplishments include the following:
- development of new technological solutions for the use of stabilized soils in road construction;
- systematization of soils by their properties for road construction;
- development of a classification of mine dump rocks and recommendations for the construction of roads from coal waste and coal beneficiation waste.
Sasko Mykola Fedorovych was born in 1930 in the village of Parkhomovka of the Kharkiv region.
In the period from 1948 to 1953 he was a student of the Kharkiv Automobile and Road Institute, and at the same time worked in the working design group of the road-building trust № 3 on the construction of Moscow-Simferopol and Kyiv-Rostov-Ordzhonikidze (Vladikavkaz) highways.
In 1957 he entered the graduate course at the Department of Road Construction of the Kharkiv Automobile and Road Institute where he worked as an assistant at the Department. In 1962 he defended his dissertation and received the title of Candidate of Technical Sciences. The dissertation topic is "Research on soil composition design taking into account technological factors and service life of pavements".
From 1963 to 1969 he worked as the Head of the Department of Subgrade and Soil Stabilization in the Kazakhstan branch of SoyuzdorNDI. During his work in 1965 he received the title of Senior Researcher.
In 1968 he started working at our Institute as a Researcher in the Soils Department, and in 1969 he headed this Department.
With his active participation, new technological solutions for the use of stabilized soils in road construction were developed in the Department, for which 74 copyright certificates of inventions were obtained, and more than a hundred normative and information-technical documents were prepared. These works played a major role in building a network of local roads in the areas rich in stone materials.
At the initiative and under his leadership, the Institute began to study the properties of burnt mine and dump rocks of coal mining and coal beneficiation in the mines of Donets Basin in order to use them in the road industry. As a result of scientific research, it was determined that this material is very heterogeneous in quality and unstable over time. As a result of these researches, the classification of mine dump rocks and recommendations on the construction of highways from wastes of coal mining and coal beneficiation was developed. According to the developed recommendations, a number of sites were built in Donets Basin.
Mykola Sasko performed a number of theoretical studies concerning the systematization of soils by their properties for road construction of the so-called "atomic" model of soil, in order to create a passport and periodic system of soils, their classification.
Scientific and technical developments were marked by many diplomas and medals of the All-Union and Republican exhibitions of best practices.
He died on January 9, 2016.

Developer of the classification of mine dump rocks.
Developer of documents on the use of burnt waste heaps in the rod
He was born on August 9, 1949 in the village of Akhali-Afoni (Abkhazia).
In 1971 he graduated from the Kyiv Automobile and Road Institute.
From 1971 to 1973 he served in the Soviet Army as an officer.
In 1985 he defended his dissertation and received the degree of the Candidate of Technical Sciences.
In 1989 he received the title of a Senior Researcher.
From 1973 to 1976 he worked in the “Kyivdorbud” trust system as an Engineer.
From 1976 he worked at our Institute as a Senior Engineer, Senior Researcher, Scientific Secretary, Head of Department, Head of the Scientific and Technical Center of Quality, an as a Deputy Director.
An important scientific direction of work of Mykhailo Mishchenko is the study of the issue of using burnt and dump coal mine waste for the construction of the subgrade. A number of normative documents in this direction have been developed.
In the 80s Mykhailo Mishchenko actively worked on the use of blast furnace and metallurgical slag in general to stabilize the soils. Some of them turned out to be good binders, such as ground blast furnace and granular blast furnace slag. It was determined that they can be used not only to stabilize the soil, but also as a good "semi-finished product" in the production of cement. This was the impetus for the study of other industrial wastes and by-products. He later studied the scientific issues associated with the study of the stability of the road subgrade of motor roads.
Much attention was paid to mine burnt rocks. It was determined that the use of these materials is possible primarily for the construction of the subgrade. But the main drawback was identified - potential subsidence. It was Mykhailo Mishchenko who proposed to create a strong structure (without subsidence) by adding the fine-grained waste from concentrators to the mine dump rocks. As a result of these researches the classification of mine dump rocks and recommendations on the construction of highways from waste of coal mining and coal-concentration was developed. At the same time, scientific work was carried out in the direction of using mine dump rocks as a component in the strengthening of various mineral mixtures with cement or lime. As a result, the documents were developed for the production of binders based on the use of burnt waste heaps and their scope.
Mykhailo Mishchenko is the author of more than 40 articles and he has developed 6 inventions recorded by the copyright certificate.
He died on August 28, 2008.

Choborovska Iryna Stepanivna
The first Head of the Department of Environmental Research.
Thanks to her leadership, a national legal framework and regulatory framework in the field of road ecology have been created.
One of the developers of feasibility studies of measures to ensure environmental safety in the design, construction, repair and maintenance of roads.
She was born in 1936 in the Zaporizhzhia region.
During the war (1941-1945) her family lived in Melitopol, and in 1947 they moved to Warsaw.
In 1953, after the return of the family to Kyiv, Iryna Choborovska entered the University of Kyiv (now the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) at the Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences.
In 1963 she entered the correspondence form of postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Geology of Moscow University, majoring in Soil and Engineering Geology.
She defended her dissertation on material sciences in 1972 and received the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. In 1976 he was awarded the title of a Senior Researcher.
Simultaneously with her postgraduate studies, she started working at our Institute, where she succeeded in her career from the Young Researcher to the Head of the Environmental Research Division.
Under her leadership, an Environmental Research Division was established at the Institute in 1996, an independent Environmental Laboratory was established on the basis of the Division in 1998, and in 2002 the laboratory acquired the status of an independent research department, the first Environmental Research Department
at the Institute.
The newly created department under the leadership of Iryna Choborovska started performing the tasks within the framework of Ukravtodor's Long-term Environmental Protection Program and creating a national legal and regulatory framework in the field of road ecology. The department dealt with the problem related to the safety of the roadside areas during road construction, repair and maintenance.
The new direction of the Institute's activity has shown its scientific perspective. In particular, it is the development of regulatory and technical documentation to ensure the environmental safety of road works, instrumental survey of environmental pollution within the right-of-way area of roads, assessment and forecasting of environmental consequences of new road projects. This was the first successful attempt of the Institute to initiate continuous environmental monitoring of roads and the implementation of environmental protection policy.
The main activities of the Environmental Department under the leadership of Iryna Choborovskaya were:
- the study of the actual level of pollution of roadside territories, which became the scientific basis of industry standards and design solutions to minimize the negative impact of roads on the environment;
- conducting a field survey of the ecological condition of roads in the directions of international transport corridors and their response to the compliance with the environmental requirements.
Recommendations for feasibility study of measures to ensure environmental safety in the design, construction, repair and maintenance of roads were developed.
1974 - Order “Badge of Honor”
2001 - Honorary diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with the presentation of a commemorative sign of the employees of the Institute "For significant contribution to the development of the road industry of Ukraine on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of “DerzhdorNDI” SE.
She died on December 25, 2002

Developer of a methodology for a forecasting the landslides activation in time.
He improved the methodology of dynamic soil probing.
Developer of the Cadastre of high embankments and deep cuts on the roads of Ukraine.
He was born in 1947.
In 1965, he entered the Kyiv Automobile and Road Institute now (National Transport University), which he graduated in 1970 as a Transport Engineer.
In the same year, he entered the post-graduate course, during which he had a one-year break - he served as a soldier in the Soviet Army.
After graduating from the postgraduate studies, he began his career at our Institute as a Researcher in the Soil and Subgrade Department.
Since 2008, he headed the Laboratory of soil and subgrade of the Department of Technical Diagnostics of Structures.
Since 1974, at the initiative of Anatolii Lytvynenko, the study of the subgrade, as a structure that must have a certain strength and stability, was developed. In contrast to previous scientific studies in this direction, where laboratory studies of soils and binders in interaction with soils prevailed, the problem of investigating the structure and actual condition of the subgrade began to be solved by using the method of dynamic soil probing under the guidance of Anatolii Lytvynenko .
The improvement of dynamic soil probing method allowed to obtain more detailed engineering and geological sections and to show the organic connection between the method of statistical and dynamic probing, and the development of equipment allowed working in hard-to-reach places such as steep slopes and gradients, weak foundations and the like.
In the 80-s, Anatolii Lytvynenko carried out the passportization of high embankments and deep cuts on the roads of Ukraine and their cadastre was compiled. On the basis of retrospective analysis of such weather and climatic indicators as monthly rainfall amount and monthly average air temperature for the period of 1812-2005, the temporal cyclicality of weather and climatic conditions of Ukraine was defined and the method of forecasting the landslides activation and other dangerous natural phenomena in time for the perspective up to 12 years was developed.
Since 2000, Anatolii Lytvynenko has been carrying out the research on the reconstruction of road pavements by grinding the material of the existing road surface with recycler and strengthening the obtained mixtures with cement, foamed with bitumen or stabilizers of road masses.
He is the author of 37 scientific articles. And now he regularly publishes his papers in various road publications, including the Collection of scientific papers "Dorogi i Mosti" which is issued by our Institute.
He was awarded the sign "Road Builder of Honor" on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Institute.

She was involved in the development of new technologies of emulsification.
Mix designs, technology of preparation and a technology of laying the cationic sludge “Slurry Seal" were developed with her participation.
Liubov Kyrychenko was born in 1938 in the Donetsk region.
In 1960 she graduated from the Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University by speciality “Physical Chemistry”.
In 1971 she defended her dissertation at the L.V. Pysarzhevskyi Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR and obtained the PhD in Chemical Sciences.
In 1971 she started her career at our Institute as the Head of the laboratory.
In 1976 Liubov Kyrychenko obtained the academic title of Senior Researcher.
Liubov Kyrychenko’s scientific activity was directed to improving of traditional organic binder’s properties and the creation of new types of binders, the development of new resource- and environmentally friendly technologies.
Liubov Kyrychenko together with Mykhailo Kuchma took an active part in the study of emulsions and the development of new emulsification technologies, new compositions of emulsions and non-traditional at that time methods of their application. It should be noted that in the 70's, there were 24 emulsion bases operated in the roads facilities industry, which produced about 50 thousand tons of bitumen emulsions. The conversion of existing bitumen bases to chemical emulsification technologies has reduced the energy costs for the manufacture of emulsions in many times.
Implementation of the bitumen chemical emulsification method required specialized cationic emulsifiers which were synthesized in the Department and were called carboxyl amines. They could be used as effective adhesives to improve the adhesion of bitumen and stone materials.
In 1974, with the participation of Liubov Kyrychenko, the compositions, technology for preparation and laying of cationic slags (known as “Slurry Seal” technology) were developed using cationic bitumen emulsions on carboxyl amines and phthalic acid amino-polyester specially synthesized for this decomposition retarder. Further wide use of emulsions was hindered by the lack of industrial synthesis of carboxylamine.
Liubov Kyrychenko participated in the development of technology for use of the rubber industry products, such as rubber crumb.
In the 2000’s L Kyrychenko investigated the effectiveness of the adhesive additive of UDOM series (cationic surfactants), polymer modifier of "Polydom" bitumen , “Desetam” emulsifier for different types of emulsions.
Also Liubov Kyrychenko is the author of more than 90 scientific and research papers and more than 30 articles, has 5 copyright certificates.
In particular, she is a co-author of the Technical Specifications: “Polymer modified bitumen”, “Paving bitumen emulsions", “Tar-polymer binders”, VBN V.2.7-218-176-2003 “Construction materials for use of surfactants in road technologies using bitumen”, “Catalogue of modern polymer, surfactants, plasticizers, air-repellent additives and geotextiles”.
She was awarded the bronze medal of the VDNKh (Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the Ukrainian SSR.
In 2001, she was one of the first who was awarded by “Honorary Road Worker” badge for her fruitful long-term scientific activity.
In 2006 - Diploma of Ukravtodor.
In 2013 - Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
The total length of service in “DerzhdorNDI” SE is 46 years.

Developer of economic and mathematical models of road facilities improvement in the Ukrainian SSR.
He has developed the General program of road economy development of the Ukrainian SSR.
Born on January 15, 1946 (Georgia). After graduating from the secondary school, he entered the Mining Technical School of Kirov region.
In 1966, he joined the Ukrainian SSR Armed Forces.
In 1969, he entered the Kommunar Mining and Metallurgical Institute, which he graduated from in 1975 and was qualified as an Engineer Economist.
Since 1975 he began his career at our Institute in the Economic Research Department as an Engineer.
Since 1978, he was transferred to the position of a Senior Researcher.
He was engaged in the following scientific developments:
- Development of economic and mathematical models with their subsequent implementation on electronic computers with reference to the main topics of the Department "Ways to improve the road economy of the Ukrainian SSR";
- Elaboration of the General Program for the Development of Road Facilities of the Ukrainian SSR until 1990. »;
- Ways to increase labor productivity in road organizations of the road sector.
In 1977 he entered the postgraduate course of the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute and defended his thesis on "Technical and economic factors of production efficiency improvement in road repair and construction organizations" which he successfully defended in 1984. And he received the academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. In the same year, he was transferred to the position of a Head of the Department of Technical and Economic Research and Forecasting of Road Industry Development. Under his leadership, in the 80s, the Department worked in the areas of increasing the productivity in road industry and technical re-equipment of the road industry. In the 90s, the Department under the leadership of Valerii Pavlenko carried out significant work in the following directions:
- Improvement of road industry management structure;
- financing systems for the road complex;
- development of measures in the sphere of social protection of road workers;
- improvement of efficiency of road complex activity under market economy conditions.
He has 32 published scientific papers in domestic and foreign editions.

He developed a number of recommendations on the use of local stone materials in road construction.
He improved methods of laboratory and field research of properties, layers of road pavement.
Born on July 27, 1934 in Kyiv.
From 1951 to 1953 he studied by correspondence at the All-Union Institute of Building Materials Industry.
In 1953 he was transferred to Kyiv Automobile and Road Institute, which he graduated from in 1957 and was qualified as a Railway Engineer.
Since 1963, he began his career in our Institute as a Senior Engineer of the Department of Pavements Made of Local Materials. The main scientific focus of the Department at that time was to study the use of local materials reinforced with cement. Isaac Dukhovnyi improved methods of laboratory and field research of properties, layers of road structures existing at that time.
Isaac Dukhovnyi did a lot of work to study and introduce new types of road pavement made of various local unconditioned stone materials and to develop new types of pavements.
In 1968, he entered the post-graduate course at the Kyiv Automobile and Road Institute and defended his thesis "Investigation of low strength limestone reinforced with low dosage cement in the road pavement of the South of Ukraine" and received the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.
In 1972, he was promoted to the position of a Senior Scientific Officer of the Department of Road Pavement Made of Local Materials, in 1974, he headed the Division of Construction Technologies of the Department of Road Pavement Made of Local Materials, in 1979, he also headed the Department. With his participation, he developed a set of recommendations on the use of local stone materials in the construction of road pavements. He was in charge of the construction of many experimental sections of pavements made of local materials. In 1978, with his support and assistance, he built and overhauled with the use of low-strength stone materials, reinforced with binders the road section of 1230 km length.
Scientific works under his supervision included laboratory tests and modern scientific methods of that time: X-ray, thermography, petrography and field study of experimental sites life cycles. The main topics of scientific research:
- Technical specifications and wastes of masonry;
- Specifications for low-strength sandstone for road works;
- Recommendations on the use of enriched sands for road works;
- Recommendations for the construction of pavements of granite materials with reduced consumption rats of organic binders.
In 1981, Isaac Dukhovnyi received the academic rank of a Senior Researcher.
For the development of new technologies for construction and implementation of road pavements made of local materials reinforced with cement, Isaac Dukhovnyi was awarded 2 medals of VDNKh USSR (Exhibition of Economic Achievements of USSR). He has 58 printed papers.
He died on November 14, 2005.

Theoretically substantiated the criteria for determination of unsatisfactory road factors impact on the traffic accidents occurrence.
He had developed the schemes of I-b, II and III categories for at-grade road interchanges which are widely implemented in practice.
Oleksandr Zabyshnyi was born on May 10, 1939 in Kyiv region.
In 1962 he had graduated from the Kyiv Automobile and Road Institute (KADI) with the degree in Economics, and in 1963 he entered the same Institute (KADI) with the degree in Motor Roads, which he had graduated from in 1966 and entered the postgraduate course at that time .
In 1971, after graduating from the Road Design Department of KADI, he was assigned to the position of a Senior Researcher at our Institute.
In 1971-1973 he was an Editor-in-Chief of the “Dorozhnyk” Board Bulletin.
In 1976 he defended his dissertation “Research of the problem of optimal tracing of roads” and obtained the PhD title.
In 1978 he was transferred to the position of Traffic Safety Division Head and since 1980 he had been the Head of the Traffic Safety Department. In 1982 he obtained the title of a Senior Researcher.
In the period 1980-1985 he headed the scientific research performed by our Institute and the Road Design Department of KADI by the development of a comprehensive target program for traffic arrangement and improving of traffic safety on the roads of the Ukrainian SSR.
With his active participation, the Traffic Safety Department together with the State Traffic Inspectorate (DAI) developed a methodology for evaluation of traffic conditions from the point of view of traffic safety, on the basis of which local road organizations identified the black spots areas. The regularity of different types of traffic accidents by their kilometer locations was revealed and a system of measures to improve traffic safety in black spots areas was developed, which allowed to identify such areas, prescribe measures, analyze and summarize the results of traffic safety. This very development was awarded a bronze medal in 1987 at the All-Union Exhibition of Economic Achievements (VDNKh). Later, this system of measures was implemented in road practice and improved traffic conditions. It was the close contact of science with production that contributed to the achievement of positive results.
It should be emphasized significant role of Oleksandr Zabyshnyi in the theoretical substantiation of the criteria for determination of unsatisfactory road factors impact on the traffic accidents occurrence. These criteria were the basis for the development of the branch standard of Ukraine “Traffic safety. Public roads. The procedure for determination of black spots areas”.
With his participation, an at-grade interchange scheme was developed on the same level with left turns on roads of I-b, II categories and an at-grade interchange on the junctions to the main roads of II-III categories with an additional external lane on the main road for direct traffic and an internal lane for left turn on the junction and turn on the main road. These developments are protected by copyright certificates, and these solutions are widely implemented in practice.
Oleksandr Zabyshnyi is the author of more than 45 scientific articles and a co-author of 2 books in the area of traffic safety.

Co-author of scientific and technical developments, recommendations, methods, technologies for work with aged asphalt concrete.
He made a great contribution to the development and improvement of roads in Donbas and contributed to the rise of scientific and technical development of the road industry.
Leonid Tarasenko was born on August 4, 1926 (Donetsk region).
In 1952 he graduated from the mechanical faculty of the Automobile Road Institute and obtained “Mechanical Engineer” specialty. After graduation he started his career at the enterprises of the road industry: “Yuzhvodstroy” Trust (1952-1956), Department of Transport of the Ministry of Coal Industry (1856-1957), Sovnarkhoz Transport Department (1958-1962), Regional Production Directorate of Construction and Operation of Roads (1986-1972)
In 1972 he defended his dissertation at the post-graduate courses of Kharkiv Automobile Road Institute and obtained the PhD degree.
In 1986 he was appointed on the position of the Director of our Institute, where he worked till 1994.
Leonid Tarasenko’s scientific activity, during the period of work in our Institute was devoted to the problems of reclaiming of aged asphalt concrete.
Leonid Tarasenko was a co-author of scientific and technical developments, recommendations, methods, technologies for working with aged asphalt concrete. The results of the researches allowed to perform work on the loosening and grinding of the upper layers of aged asphalt concrete pavement, generally, in a highly mechanized way. One of them, so-called "cold" method, was carried out on the basis of existing road construction machines with the subsequent transportation of asphalt scrap to the plants for recycling of aged asphalt concrete (when the whole process of loosening and grinding is performed at the ambient temperature).
Another “hot” method involves the thermal heating, milling of heated layers and transportation of asphalt scrap to recycling plants with its subsequent use as for the arrangement of foundations or roadsides, also as an active additive to the standard asphalt concrete, which is prepared again. But the main attention of Leonid Tarasenko, as a scientist, was directed to the method of thermal profiling, when there is a need to repair roads due to deformation of the upper layers of asphalt concrete pavements in the form of ruts, sagging, displacements, shallow pits, cracks, etc. The task was to reach the evenness of pavement without a significant increase of the solidity of pavement design. Thermal profiling method created the possibility to solve these types of repairs by thermomechanical way with hot reshaping of the repaired layer of asphalt concrete directly in the road pavement. He made a great contribution to the development and improvement of roads in Donbas and contributed to the rise of scientific and technical development of the road industry.
Awards: Order of Lenin (1971), Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1981), Order of “Badge of Honor”, “Honored Builder of Ukraine” title.
Leonid Tarasenko died on January 23, 2001.

Leonid Martynenko introduced the technology of pneumatic spraying (shotcreting) in the repairing of road structures.
He developed and implemented the technology of protection of cement-concrete structures by applying of polymer concrete.
Leonid Martynenko was born on November 7, 1942 (Chernihiv region).
In 1986 he defended his dissertation on construction materials and obtained PhD degree.
He took part in the elimination of consequences of the accident at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and has a Certificate of liquidator of Chernobyl disaster of the 1st category.
After graduating from the Kyiv Automobile Road Institute in 1970, he started his career at our Institute as an engineer in complex mechanization of Road Construction and Repairing Works Department. In 1975 he was appointed as a Head of the laboratory for testing of construction materials, that was certified 2 years later and together with laboratories of other institutes, performed orders for testing of construction materials not only for the departments of the Institute, but for the third parties also. In 1977, the laboratory started the development of scientific topics - road cement concretes.
In 1980 he headed the Road Structures Repairing Department, which was organized on the basis of central laboratory for road construction materials testing.
One of the activities of the department was the introduction of pneumatic spraying (shotcreting) technology in the repairing of road structures. Under Martynenko direct management the technology of concrete road constructions protection by the method of shotcreting was developed for the first time in Ukraine. The equipment developed and manufactured for this purpose was used practically in all of regions of Ukraine. The method of shotcreting proved its effectiveness on the most important bridges and overpasses of Ukraine, in repairing of curb edged concrete slabs on the road of 1st category Kyiv-Boryspil and during the construction of a unique memorial complex at the Baikove cemetery in Kyiv.
Also, a great credit of Martynenko consists in the development and implementation of technologies for cement-concrete structures protection by applying of polymer concrete and use of polymeric materials for waterproofing and repairing of bridges and overpasses.
Under his leadership the modifying, air-repellent, plasticizing additives to the concrete were developed.
He is an author of more than 39 printed articles.
Leonid Martynenko was awarded by “Honorary Road Worker” Award in honor of the 85th anniversary of the Institute.

An outstanding developer of road machines.
Created a unique set of machines to save scarce repair materials.
Developed and implemented a thermal grader to recover the design profile of asphalt pavement
Makarchuk Olexander Ivanovych was born on November 25, 1940 in Uman.
In 1957 he entered the Uman Technical School of Agricultural Mechanization, graduating in 1960.
In 1963 he entered the Road Construction faculty of Kyiv Automobile and Road Institute and obtained a mechanical engineering degree.
In 1968 he started his career at our institute as engineer in complex mechanization of road construction works department. From 1971 he held the position of head of the department.
In 1988 he defended his dissertation “Research of the processes of heating and distribution of binders in mobile machine for road construction works” and obtained the PhD title.
It should be noted that in the 60's it was created a set of machines that allowed to mechanize completely the technological process of construction of structural layers of roads. A big role in this was played by the staff of the institute and personally O.I Makarchuk.
With his direct involvement in the 80's scientific developments were performed regarding creation, improvement and modernization of road machines:
- for winter maintenance (rotary snowplow, combined machine for winter maintenance) and summer maintenance of roads (combined machine for patchworks),
- to rehabilitation of the roadway ,
- for transportation and distribution of black binders, stone materials,
- for consolidation of constructive layers of roads.
Some of them were unique and it was a scientific and technological breakthrough in the industry.
In order to save scarce repair materials were created the following:
- trailer sectional heater for heating of coverings at their pit repair;
- a machine for current repair of coatings, which mechanized its process with the presence of additional equipment;
- a set of machines for the restoration of asphalt-concrete pavement by thermal profiling.
For the development and introduction of a thermal grader for the rehabilitation of the design profile of asphalt pavement during the repairing of roads O.I. Makarchuk and other employees of the institute were awarded by the State Prize of the USSR in the field of science and technology (1985) The machine has been successfully tested on the roads in many areas, as well as abroad. With the help of a thermal grader, the whole process of pavement repairing by thermal profiling was completely mechanized. At least 600 tons of asphalt-concrete mixture was saved for almost 1 km of the road under repairing.
In the 90’s, the department headed by O.I. Makarchuk started analytical research and monitoring work to study the functional, technical, operational performance of road machines, machinery and equipment, the possibilities of their optimal use, taking into account the real conditions of the road industry of Ukraine (performing of maximum volumes of work with minimal costs).
O.I. Makarchuk is an author of 36 scientific articles.
Awarded by the State Prize of the USSR in the field of science and technology (1985)

Developed the design of continuous box bridge span structure.
Developer of U-shaped girders of 12 and 18 meters long.
Engaged in improving the operational performance of existing bridge structures.
Kovalov Petro Mykolaiovych was born in 1943.
In 1969 he graduated from the Road construction faculty of Kiev Automobile and Road Institute and obtained a diploma by “Bridges and tunnels” specialty and started his working path at “Ukrdiprodor” SE.
He started working at our institute in 1981 as the Head of Artificial Structures Department.
He was directly involved in the development of U-shaped girders of 12 and 18 meters long. The girders were adapted to the conditions of manufacturing in the existing hollow-core slab stands These girders eliminated the problem of voids formation and problem of splines, which were replaced by hinged joints. But these girders could not solve the main problem - increasing the length of bridge spans. The Artificial Structures Department headed by Petro Kovalev presented the initiative to create prefabricated girders with a length of 24 m, which in compare with the unified girders were 1.5 times lighter in weight and involved the use of stressed reinforcing bars of AIIIв class. The use of these structures started in the late 80's, including on the road Kyiv-Odesa.
In 90’s the developments of Petro Kovalev and his Department were concentrated on increasing of operational performance of existing bridge structures, prolongation of their service life. Much attention was paid to the development of methods of bridges repairing, in particular to the issues of a reliable bridge deck arrangement. Proposals for bridges overlapping with monolithic slabs were developed; prefabricated monolithic spans on the basis of using unified beams were investigated; The design of a fundamentally new series of span structures made of stressed span elements (SSE) overlapped by a monolithic overhead slab were developed.
For the development of the design of the experimental continuous box bridge span structure he was awarded a bronze medal of the VDNKh (Exhibition of Economic Achievements) of the Ukrainian SSR.
Petro Kovalev has 2 inventions and 26 published papers.
“Honored Road Worker of Ukraine” Award.