Software update of «Budstandart» IRS had been issued (version 3.17.0 dated March 7, 2019).
Updating the «Budstandart» IRS takes into account following:
1. New document attributes into the «Document Information» tab were added.
2. The «News Online» functionality had been improved. Now the selected news is opened in the browser installed by default in the computer of user.
3. Changes in the structure of the directory «By Types of Documents».
4. Contact information of the developer in «Help» window» - «About the program» had been updated.
Also 232 documents were included to the normative base.
As part of updating of «Road Sector of Ukraine» branch solution the following new documents were added:
DSTU 8745: 2017 Highways. Methods of measuring the roughness of foundation and pavement.
DSTU 8746: 2017 Highways. Methods of measuring the gripe properties of the pavement’s surface.
DSTU 8749: 2017 Traffic safety. Safety barriers and traffic management in the area of road works.
DSTU 8751: 2017 Traffic safety. Safety barriers and guiding devices. User manual. General technical specifications.
DSTU 8752: 2017 Traffic safety. Road traffic management. Rules for development and processing. Content requirements.
M 42.1-37641918-771: 2018 Method of calculating the rut resistance of asphalt pavement on the reinforced concrete highway bridges.
SOU 42.1-37641918-094: 2017 Road machinery and mechanisms. Norms of consumption of fuel and lubricants. Change No. 1
Download the addition to «Budstandart» IRS (version 3.17.0 dated 07.03.2019) here
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