Expert Сouncil on Bridge Management
In purpose to improve the regulatory and technical base, analyze the development and implementation of progressive methods of bridge construction, determine optimal solutions for the repair of bridges and transport structures, research and develop recommendations for the implementation of the latest achievements of domestic and foreign science and technology in the field of design, construction and operational maintenance of road infrastructure facilities (bridges, overpasses, culverts) on the basis of the SE "NIDI" were created consultative and advisory body - Expert Council on Bridge Management of the SE "NIDI".
The Expert Council on Bridge Management of the SE "NIDI" has a clearly defined composition and in its activities is guided by the Regulations approved by the Order of the Institute, which can be viewed here.
You can view the minutes of the meetings of the Expert Council on bridge management of SE "NIRI" here.
Related Materials
- Scientific and Technical Council
- Expert Сouncil on Bridge Management
- Council of Young Scientists